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How criminals are using jammers deauthers to disrupt WiFi security cameras

A current advisory has been issued for anyone using wireless security cameras like "Ring" to secure their home.

A Detroit woman expressed disappointment as her Ring camera did not capture the moment her car was stolen from the front of her house. A local expert suggests that this incident underscores the increasing technological proficiency of criminals.

The woman reported that her car had been stolen from her driveway at the start of the month. After checking her Ring camera footage, she realized that there were missing hours.

The assertion by Chris Burns, the proprietor of Techie Gurus, underscores that security cameras which rely on WiFi for recording prioritize convenience over security. This is due to the vulnerability of WiFi signals to interference, potentially hindering the camera's ability to capture footage of individuals near your residence, a loophole that criminals are exploiting.

In Burns' opinion, considering wireless as a security measure is misguided. He pointed out that wireless signals can be easily jammed or blocked.

Those wrongdoers have the option to use this as a wifi jamming mechanism, or a deauther, which could have the dimensions of an Apple Watch.

If you are in close proximity, a deauther can overpower a WiFi system, causing the WiFi camera to halt its recording. This accessory is relatively inexpensive, with prices ranging from approximately $10 to $50. Conversely, a singal jammer is considerably more expensive, with costs ranging from $150 to $1,000.

Jammers are highly prohibited, thus making them elusive to acquire. However, a robust jammer can obstruct an entire street from being recorded on WiFi security cameras with a simple toggle of a button.

Ring's spokesperson emphasized in a statement that Ring device performance may suffer due to WiFi signal interference, a common occurrence with wifi-enabled devices. Customers facing connectivity issues are advised to contact Ring Customer Support for assistance.

How can customers protect themselves?

It was mentioned by Burns that genuine security can be maintained by always using hard-wired connections, like being plugged into ethernet.

The spokesperson from Ring confirmed their awareness of the problem, underscoring its rarity.

Burns highlighted the inverse relationship between the affordability of technology and the growing popularity of camera jammer. Therefore, it is crucial to keep the public well-informed about this phenomenon.


Posted by perfectjammer at 12:40│Comments(0)wifi