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Minnesota burglars are using Wi-Fi jammers to disable home security systems

The increasing proficiency of thieves in utilizing technology is evident in another incident reported by Minnesota police. Burglars have been using Wi-Fi signal jammers to temporarily incapacitate the connected security systems of homeowners. It is suspected that this technique has been employed in a total of nine robberies over the span of the last six months.

The authorities in Edina, Minnesota, have emphasized that the recent burglaries taking place over the past six months are not haphazard in terms of victim selection. Instead, the criminals are focusing on affluent neighborhoods and monitoring homes to strike when they are vacant, thus minimizing the chances of encountering anyone.

An interesting aspect of this case is the perpetrators' use of Wi-Fi jammers to incapacitate the security systems of the homes, including surveillance cameras. Once inside, they proceed to steal safes, jewelry, and other luxury goods.

The statement made by cybersecurity expert Mark Lanterman to KARE11 reveals that jammers do not block signals. Instead, they flood wireless networks, disrupting the flow of legitimate traffic to devices.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has implemented federal laws that strictly prohibit the operation, marketing, or sale of any form of jamming equipment that interferes with authorized radio communications. This prohibition encompasses a wide range of communication services, such as cellular networks, personal communication services, police radar, and global positioning systems. It is crucial to understand that there are no exemptions for using such equipment within business premises, classrooms, residences, or vehicles. Additionally, local law enforcement agencies do not have the independent authority to employ jamming equipment.

Nonetheless, individuals can still buy Wi-Fi jammers online from international sellers, with prices varying from $40 to $1,000. There have been incidents where these devices were employed to bypass connected home security systems, including Ring video doorbells, for several years.

There are several suggested methods to mitigate the risks posed by Wi-Fi bluetooth jammer burglaries. One recommended approach is to utilize a hardline camera system both indoors and outdoors, which directly connects to a local storage unit. It is also advisable to install security alarms and lighting fixtures that do not depend on wireless networks. Furthermore, since these burglaries typically occur when houses are vacant, leaving lights or the television on can potentially reduce the appeal of your home as a target.


Posted by perfectjammer at 15:17Comments(0)Cell Phone


A Father Who Used A Signal Jammer To Keep His Kids Offline At Night Now Faces Jail Time

A French father finds himself in a predicament as he faces a considerable penalty and the prospect of incarceration for his noble attempt to restrict his children's access to the internet and mobile phones during late hours. The signal jammers he employed proved to be highly effective, not only deterring his kids from going online, but also disrupting the connectivity of individuals residing in a nearby town.

An unusual occurrence affecting internet and cellular service in the town of Messanges, France, was reported to the Agence Nationale Des Frequences (ANFR). The perplexing disruption, which took place every weeknight between midnight and 3 AM, became even more peculiar upon investigation. It was determined that a signal jammer was being utilized to block radio frequencies.

According to the report, the Touluse Regional Service of the ANFR initiated its investigation in the middle of the night. What could have caused such a disruption at a time when the entire city is typically asleep?

As the agency delved deeper into the matter, they stumbled upon a distinctive shape on a graph (depicted below) that left the investigator with no uncertainty. It was undoubtedly the unmistakable signature of a wave cell phone jammer, an illegal device in France. In their quest to uncover the origin of this jamming activity, the investigator tracked it down to a house located in close proximity to the coast. Following a polite knock on the door and a confrontation with the father, he openly admitted to employing the signal jammer to prevent his teenage children from using their smartphones to surf the internet instead of getting adequate rest.

ANFR's report highlights that his children have become addicted to social networks and other applications, especially since the confinement measures were implemented as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Despite not intending to block an entire town's internet access, the father's use of a signal jamming device is against the law in France. Consequently, he may be subject to a penalty of up to approximately $34,000 (30,000 Euros) and six months of imprisonment.

Individuals residing in the United States should be aware that employing similar technology to prevent their children from accessing the internet is against the law. Similar to France, if found guilty, one may face significant fines and imprisonment in America.

8 Bands Jammer Device

In France, the case remains ongoing as ANFR has transferred all its findings to the relevant local authorities. However, the father is no longer in possession of his signal jammer, which he previously utilized to restrict his children's access to their beloved social media sites.


Posted by perfectjammer at 12:16Comments(0)Cell Phone


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Dad Uses Signal Jammer to Stop His Kids from Going Online

Due to his unawareness, a resident living in the southwestern French town of Messanges might face a prison term of six months for inadvertently disabling telephony and mobile internet services in his local area using a signal jammers.

Surprisingly enough, his actions were not fueled by malice. His only intention was to restrict his teenage kids from using their mobile devices to go online once it was time to sleep.

According to the French planning and radio frequency management agency (ANFR), a complaint of an unusual nature was filed by a local mobile phone operator. The complaint highlighted the inconvenience faced by the residents of Messanges, who were unable to utilize their cellular and mobile internet services from before midnight until 3 AM every week.

The French planning and radio frequency management agency (ANFR) has reported an atypical complaint lodged by a local mobile phone operator. The complaint stated that the residents of Messanges faced an inconvenience as their cellular and mobile internet services were unavailable from just before midnight until 3 AM every day of the week.

In light of their investigation, the ANFR has established that a mobile phone jammer, a device prohibited in many European countries, including France, was responsible for interfering with radio frequencies in the area.

Around 1:30 am, a technician skillfully traced the source of the signal to a residence nestled in the coastal town. The following day, investigators, accompanied by police officers, proceeded to knock on the man's door. Without any delay, the individual immediately admitted to utilizing a multi-band jammer.

The ANFR clarified that the father of the family had taken the step of installing a jammer to discourage his teenagers from using their smartphones to access the internet late at night. This decision was prompted by the children's addiction to social networks and various applications. After consulting online forums, the father concluded that a jammer would be the optimal solution to address his kids' excessive screen time.

Version 4: Besides demanding the owner to switch off the jamming wifi and refrain from using it, the ANFR agent emphasized the need to comply with the regulatory framework, as stated by the agency.


Posted by perfectjammer at 12:44Comments(0)Cell Phone


Schools are increasingly frustrated with the inability of students to detach themselves from their mobile devices

The pandemic-induced return of students to school brought about a noticeable alteration in their cellphone habits, as educators promptly realized. Their heightened reliance on these devices during class became more pronounced, with a surge in activities such as social media posting, YouTube searching, and texting friends.

So this year, schools in Ohio, Colorado, Maryland, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, California and others banned the devices in class to curb student obsession, learning disruption, disciplinary incidents and mental health worries.

Superintendent Elizabeth Lolli of Dayton Public Schools firmly asserted, "We explicitly stated that this must stop. The academic issues we are grappling with cannot be resolved if our students persist in using their phones."

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

Cell Phone Signal Jammer For Schools

To discourage students from using their cell phones during instructional hours, schools sometimes employ cell phone signal jammers. The use of cell phones in classrooms can prove to be a major distraction, hampering students' focus and impeding their overall learning process.

Instead of using cell phone signal blocking device, many schools have implemented policies that restrict or prohibit the use of cell phones during class time. Some schools require students to keep their cell phones turned off and stored in their backpacks during class, while others provide cell phone storage lockers or charging stations.

Additionally, certain educational institutions have implemented technologies aimed at limiting or controlling the usage of cell phones within certain areas of the school. For example, Wi-Fi networks are utilized by some schools to block access to social media and other distracting websites.

Overall, although cell phone jamming may seem like an effective approach to prevent cell phone use in schools, it is crucial to handle this issue in a legal and responsible manner. Educational institutions should consider implementing policies and technologies that can limit or control cell phone use, without resorting to illegal and potentially hazardous methods such as cell phone signal jammers.

The Bad

Students tend to be highly susceptible to the kinds of distractions smartphones provide. My colleague caught a student watching Grey's Anatomy during her class. Other students tweet, text, and listen to music when they should be on task. According to Jeffrey Kuznekoff, who conducted a study on phone use by college students, "You're putting yourself at a disadvantage when you are actively engaged with your mobile device in class and not engaged in what's going on." Saraswathi Bellur, a researcher at the University of Connecticut, found that multitasking in class "is likely to harm academic performance."

The stakes are higher after the covid-19 years, with many districts behind academically up to a year or more and doing all they can to help students catch up. Some have come to see social media — accessed via students’ phones — as a major contributor to poor mental health. A string of school systems has filed suit against the platforms.

Parents have expressed contrasting views on this issue, with a significant number of critics arguing that their children require mobile phones for emergency situations.

“We’re not trying to infringe on anybody’s freedom, but we need to have full attention in the classroom,” said Nancy J. Hines, superintendent in the Penn Hills School District, in the suburbs of Pittsburgh.

Upon the resumption of face-to-face learning after the pandemic, Hines experienced an intensification of cellphone problems within their diverse 3,000-student system. In an effort to shift the focus from mindless scrolling to active engagement in the classroom, the district decided to enforce a ban in its middle school. Homeroom teachers took on the responsibility of collecting the students' cellphones each morning and securely locking them in zippered storage cases. The students were then able to retrieve their phones before leaving for home.

タグ :Students phones

Posted by perfectjammer at 12:52Comments(0)Cell Phone


Cell Phone Jammers: Understanding the 3 Reasons Behind Their Illegality

By employing cell phone jammers, one can effectively obstruct the ability of both you and others to establish vital connections with emergency services like 911. Additionally, these devices pose a hazardous risk to public safety communications and can disrupt various other forms of essential daily communication.

Delving into the subject matter, this article elucidates the intricate workings of signal jammers, the legal prohibition surrounding their utilization in the United States, the recommended course of action to tackle interference in authorized communication, and the avenues through which Cellbusters can address any queries or inquiries pertaining to cell phone jammers.

jammer cell phone perfect

How Cell Phone Jammers Work

By emitting a Radio Frequency (RF) signal stronger than the power emitted by the nearest cell phone base station or tower, cell phone jammers effectively disrupt cellular communication. The frequency of this RF signal closely resembles that used by cellular phone carriers, leading to the destabilization of the phone. The jamming primarily affects the downlink signal, causing the signal bars on your phone to disappear when it is being jammed.

By blocking cellular signals, cell phone jammer not only impede regular communication, but also pose a grave threat by overpowering all frequencies, making it impossible to make a 911 emergency call. This is a major concern as it not only inhibits the reception of public safety messages, but also endangers individuals who urgently require mobile communication.

Many countries have outlawed the use of cell phone jammers for several reasons. In the United States, individuals who choose to utilize such devices are knowingly breaking federal law.

Cell Phone Jamming is Prohibited in the USA

The United States, like many other nations, has imposed a ban on the utilization of cell phone jammers in almost every conceivable situation.

The Federal Communications Commission has made it clear that federal law strictly forbids the operation, marketing, or sale of jamming equipment that interferes with authorized radio communications. This prohibition encompasses cellular and Personal Communication Services (PCS), police radar, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

The sale, distribution, advertisement, importation, or marketing of wifi jamming device to consumers is illegal in the United States. If someone uses or promotes a jammer within the country, they may be subject to legal penalties.

  • significant monetary penalties (fines of up to $11,000)

  • seizure of the unlawful equipment

  • criminal sanctions including imprisonment

Usage of jamming equipment is not permitted in residences, businesses, vehicles, or classrooms, without any exemptions. Local law enforcement agencies do not have the authority to independently use jamming equipment. However, federal law enforcement agencies are authorized to employ jamming equipment in certain limited exceptions, as specified by applicable statutes.

While signal jamming is against the law, the use of cell phone detectors is perfectly legal in the United States.

How to Respond When Authorized Communication is Being Jammed

Have you been encountering difficulties with your network connection? It is worth considering the possibility of a signal jammer causing interference. Keep in mind that there are multiple factors that can result in poor network connections, and signal jammers are one of them.

  • faulty equipment

  • physical obstructions that block the signal

  • lawful devices that are operating on the same frequencies

Prior to initiating an interference complaint through the FCC Consumer Complaint Center, it is advisable to troubleshoot any equipment and connectivity issues in accordance with the guidelines provided by the manufacturer and service provider. In addition to consulting your owner's manual and reaching out to the company's tech support, conducting an online search for your device/model and the specific issue can prove helpful in identifying or excluding possible causes.


Posted by perfectjammer at 14:47Comments(0)Cell Phone


Is it possible for a mobile phone signal jammer to penetrate a wall and obstruct the signal?

To ascertain the capability of a mobile phone signal jammer to offer complete wall-to-wall shielding, it is imperative to examine different circumstances.

Take a moment to examine the mobile phone signal shielding device itself. This device emits a radio frequency signal that is specifically targeted at mobile phone signals. As this signal encounters obstacles in its transmission path, it undergoes attenuation. The degree of attenuation varies depending on the nature of the obstacles it encounters. For example, when faced with an entire steel-concrete wall or a brick-concrete wall, as well as a reinforced concrete wall followed by two consecutive brick-concrete walls, the signal is capable of effectively blocking small and medium-power mobile phone signals. The radio frequency signal emitted by the device is attenuated, thereby preventing the shielded mobile phone signal from penetrating through the wall. It is important to note that the shielded mobile phone signal, being a wireless signal, lacks the ability to pass through obstacles and reflect.

Mobile phone signals can be blocked to different extents depending on the type of wall material used. For instance, walls made of light steel keel gypsum board or glass, as well as wooden doors, offer lower levels of attenuation. Additionally, even when the mobile phone signal is blocked, it can still affect the space behind the wall through open doors and windows or by reflecting and refracting off the wall, creating a false perception of the signal-blocking device having the ability to penetrate.

A signal jammer with a protective metal casing.

Does the utilization of a metal casing enhance the performance of this signal jammer?

Initially, let's delve into the advantages offered by this specific signal jammer.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

With its simple yet effective structure, the aluminum profile excels in dissipating heat. Widely recognized as the preferred material for heat dissipation, it boasts remarkable performance in this aspect. Additionally, the heat dissipation teeth of the profile can be customized into diverse shapes, enabling seamless integration as the protective shell of a signal jammers. This not only adds to the product's visual appeal but also highlights the meticulous craftsmanship involved.

The affordability of aluminum profiles stems from their high production volume and extensive usability. This, in turn, significantly diminishes the material expenses involved in manufacturing signal jammers. Moreover, it eliminates the necessity for a dedicated housing, thereby reducing costs even further.

Next, we shall discuss the negative aspects of signal jammers that come with metal casings.

The product's unappealing appearance stems from its metal casing and the direct screwing of external antennas onto its body. To ensure comprehensive signal blocking for 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and WIFI, a mobile phone jammer requires a minimum of 10-12 frequency bands, which translates to the need for 10-12 antennas. Consequently, the device takes on the resemblance of a hedgehog, devoid of any aesthetic charm.

The metal casing, functioning as a radiator, is designed to dissipate a substantial amount of heat generated by the signal shield during extended operation. Consequently, the temperature of the casing rises rapidly, and at times, the surface temperature can even reach 60-70 degrees. It is crucial to refrain from direct contact with your hands to prevent the possibility of burns.

Using a mobile phone signal jammer through walls is not recommended, whether it is a high-power or small-to-medium-power device. The main reason behind this is the lack of guaranteed shielding effect. Therefore, it is advisable to install the mobile phone signal blocking device in a location where the need to block mobile phone signals arises, rather than relying on its usage through walls.


Posted by perfectjammer at 16:23Comments(0)Cell Phone


Highly Sophisticated Jamming Device

By Brendan KirbyPublished: Jun. 13, 2023 at 7:01 AM GMT+8|Updated: Jun. 16, 2023 at 8:08 AM GMT+8

A plea of not guilty was entered by Trenton Lisak, a Mobile resident, on June 15, 2023, after being charged with interfering with emergency communications and possessing drugs.

He is accused by the prosecution of utilizing costly and highly sophisticated equipment from an apartment at the Tower on Ryan Park. Mobile County 911 officials report that this action effectively crippled communications in downtown Mobile on June 6 and led to disturbances throughout the rest of the week.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

July 19th has been designated by the judge as the date for Lisak's preliminary hearing.


According to law enforcement authorities, costly and highly sophisticated black market jamming device caused interference in police and emergency services transmissions for a significant period of time last week.

The police arrested Trenton Edward Lisak on Saturday for interfering with public safety communication, a Class C felony that can lead to imprisonment for a period of one to ten years. He has also been charged with drug possession. According to prosecutors, the FBI is conducting an investigation into the matter.

Monday witnessed Mobile County District Attorney Keith Blackwood describing the charge as peculiar. He underlined its significant nature, emphasizing the indispensable requirement for law enforcement and first responders to possess the means to communicate effectively, not only within downtown areas but also in any given place.

How peculiar!

Blackwood acknowledged that this was a first-time occurrence for him. He couldn't recall any other case where such an event had taken place, particularly not on this scale. The considerable amount of equipment involved made it a highly significant incident.

Lisak's arrest record comprises charges related to theft, breaking into cars, possession of a forged instrument, and acts of criminal mischief.

Mobile County District Judge Jennifer Wright has established a bail amount of $15,000, which aligns with the highest recommended bail for this particular offense. Furthermore, she has mandated that 10 percent of the bail be paid in cash. Additionally, Judge Wright has imposed an extra $5,000 bail specifically for the drug charge.

Additionally, the judge implemented a curfew that would be in effect from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. and issued a directive for Lisak, aged 31, to maintain a distance from the Tower at Ryan Park located downtown. This residential complex is where the equipment, which disrupted the communication systems of all 57 law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical agencies within the Mobile County Communications District, was discovered.

According to Lisak's booking information, the address mentioned is his registered home address. However, the prosecutor informed the judge that investigators have expressed skepticism regarding his actual residency at that particular location.

Robert Jackson, a district administrator, characterized it as "an exceptionally advanced apparatus arranged within the apartment, specifically engineered to disrupt our signal."

Jackson added, "In order to locate it, we had to make adjustments to our instruments."

In a statement to FOX10 News, Charlie McNichol, the director of the 911 system, revealed that the interference resulted in a complete cessation of communications for a day during the previous week.

During the Tuesday of the previous week, it gave rise to significant issues in the downtown area," he mentioned. "To be more precise, the alarms were emanating from our tower site situated at Government Plaza. Consequently, the initial responders faced serious difficulties in their communication efforts."

It remains unclear what the motive may have been, officials said. Blackwood said he does not know what the defendant was planning, or where he got the equipment.

McNichol said he does not know if Lisak just enjoys watching chaos or if he had something more sinister planned and attempted to jam communications as part of that.

“This individual had some cell phone jamming equipment that you buy on the black market,” he said. “It’s illegal to even possess it. And that’s what was causing the problems.”

Copyright 2023 WALA. All rights reserved.


Posted by perfectjammer at 14:54Comments(0)Cell Phone


Tom's Test: Cell Phone Jammer

Tom's Guide tested an incongruous object: a cell phone jammer hidden in a pack of cigarettes.

There are various models, which are said to have a radius of action of 5 to 50 meters, and are sold for between 50 and 200 euros. The tested one is quite economical: 80 euros for a radius of 8 meters. Vicious: "Its makers have resized [the box] to make room for the two actual cigarettes in the pack".

The appearance and legitimacy of the product are not as good as it should be. "One thing's for sure, it didn't pass customs," the tester noted.

But why buy such a device? A salesperson interviewed offered some explanations: Some people disrupt communications in public transport, some teachers want quiet in the classroom...

8 Bands Jammer

It all started when two mobile operators reported mysterious disruptions to their networks in and around Clermont-Ferrand. ANFR then dispatched two agents from Lyon. Their measurements confirmed that the signal was interfering with the mobile network from Clermont, but locating the source of the interference was "like finding a needle in a haystack in a city of 140,000 inhabitants".

Investigators will get there. The roof of their laboratory vehicle is equipped with a radio direction finder, a device that can locate the direction of the transmitter and direct them to a building in Clermont. Six elite police officers from the Belt and Road (Research and Intervention Team) then intervened. Balaclava, helmet, assault rifle, they tumble into the apartment, and in the drawer of the TV cabinet, we find a multi-band gps blocker.

Paris Olympics 2024: Lasers, Interceptors, jamming signal Rifles... These Weapons Against Drones

From lasers to drone sensor drones, with less than a year to go until the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, these weapons have been honed in the face of now very real threats from the skies.

How to effectively counter aerial threats in the form of nearly invisible machines at lightning speed over crowded stadiums without causing collateral damage? The security of the Paris 2024 Olympics will not be able to avoid this question. In response to any suspected drone intrusion during this global event, security forces will deploy an unprecedented arsenal.


Posted by perfectjammer at 10:57Comments(0)Cell Phone