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Mobile jammers are becoming more and more popular

What is cell phone signal jammer? Why use it?

As more people go about chatting obliviously on their cell phones in public places, foreign companies have enjoyed increasing US sales of a new device: the cell phone jammer. When you turn it on and slip it in your pocket, the cell phone jammer blocks cell signals within 30 feet.

These smartphone vigilantes have sprung up before in heavy traffic areas on the roads in an effort to keep commuters off their phones while driving. The problem is that jammers tend to be wildly unpredictable in both output power and range. So while you may think you’re keeping the public safe from texting drivers, prisoners conspiring within prisons and annoying theater goers, you might very well also be keeping others from dialing 9-1-1. And then there’s also the hefty fines imposed on violators and overall legality of RF jamming too. “The use of “cell jammers” or similar devices designed to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications is a violation of federal law.” according to the FCC. They go onto say “These devices pose serious risks to critical public safety communications, and can prevent you and others from making 9-1-1 and other emergency calls. Jammers can also interfere with law enforcement communications.“

But in other situations, private businesses have "no cell phone" policies within limited areas to ensure that their employees´ or clients´ concentration is not interrupted. In these places, people shouldn´t be using cell phones in the first place, and the wifi signal jammer simply enforce that policy.

The jammers are currently being sold on sites such as UK-based Perfectjammer.com, which reports its sales have increased by 30% from a year ago to around 400 per month. Holiday sales have exceeded 2,000 of the devices.

The uses of mobilie phone signal jammer

A cell phone jammer is a device used to block mobile devices from receiving signals from their base stations. Cell phone jammers were originally designed for law enforcement and military use, so they could block communication between terrorists and criminals. They’re pretty common in prisons as well, where cell phones (obviously) aren’t allowed for inmates. Once the public caught on to the technology, many people–especially employers–wanted to use it themselves, especially in large cities where it seems everyone is always on the phone.

But how does a cell phone military jammer work? I mean, this sounds like something out of a bad sci-fi movie, right? Well, they use antennas to send radio waves in the same frequencies that cell phones use. This causes enough interference to make cell phones within the immediate area of a cell phone jammer (which can be anywhere from 12 feet to even five miles, depending on the type) useless.

Canada, like many countries, has a prison contraband problem. Its inmates are sneaking in cell phones at an increasing rate, so, to stop them from running crime rings from the inside, the country is thinking about using cell phone jammers in its correctional facilities.

Documents obtained by Motherboard under the Access to Information Act suggest Correctional Service Canada looked into the use of cell phone jamming technologies in March 2012, after the agency reported over 200 illegal cell phones being confiscated from federal prisons in three years.

LOJACK Blocker



Posted by perfectjammer at 21:21│Comments(0)